Rights of Expats?

I'm guessing that your rights as an expat will depend on the country you're living in.  This seems like an important topic that I've never heard anyone discuss. Before deciding to live in a country, it seems prudent to know your rights If you have legal issues. Agreed? What if you get swindled in a real estate deal? What if you are arrested? What if........

If you know of a good resource on the rights of expats, I would appreciate you sharing.


Rights afforded to foreigners in Mexico depends on their legal status in the country.

Status includes tourist or temporary or permanent resident.

You would need to refer to Mexican Immigration - Instituto Nacional de Migración & the Mexican Constitution - Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos.


While in Rosarito you may visit the Foreign Residents Assistance Office (FRAO) in the Municipal Building, first floor, Southwest corner. They provide helpful information on the rights of expats in Mexico. If they don't know the answer to a specific question they will know where point to you to get one. They hold monthly meetings at Hotel Calafia geared to providing information on many cultural and legal topics of importance to expats.

Check them out.