Children integration in a new school in Japan

Hello everyone,

Moving abroad can be particularly hard on children. For any parent planning a move to Japan, it is of utmost importance to make sure they do everything in their power to make sure their children's transition is as smooth as possible. Would you be able to give a few tips to parents planning to move to Japan by answering the following questions on children integration?

What does one need to factor in when choosing a new school for their children in Japan?

How does one prepare their children for the transition into a new school in Japan?

How does one help their children integrate into their new school? Any tips to help a child transitioning into a completely different new program or curriculum?

Is there an age period during which a child really should change schools?

What are the signs that a child is having trouble transitioning into their new school?

Tell us how it went for your child in Japan.

Please share your experience,


My little girl was 5 when she joined me in Japan
I was really troubled before they came ... looking here and there for International schools but international schools are quite expensive in Japan from $1,000 per month depending on where you live in japan.

But Japan has all those things figured out. They gave my daughter special teacher to reach her, also a weekly Japanese teaching class with other international students like her. Now she reads and write also speak Japanese flouently .

Children will always find their level. Nothing to worry about.