Live in domestic help

Does anyone out there have any advice on the hiring of live in domestic help. Someone to clean and cook traditional VN meals. Are there any laws one must follow? How much would be the going monthly salary for such help? Anyone know of anyone looking for this type of job? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

We have live in helper that cooks, cleans and takes care of our 2 year old son. We pay her 3.5 million a month but that is above average. We have had her for 2 years now and starting out I think we paid her 2 million.
Most are hired through word of mouth. Ask around if anyone knows someone looking for work but ask people you trust more. Ask your landlord.
There are no government issues.
If you have no kids you may want to think about just hiring someone to work during the day. I've seen friends who have girl come at 6:30am and goes home around 8pm

I know one who can cook pure Vietnamese dishes. when do you need?

bta87 you need a house before you can start looking for a maid. Ditto what VTD says. We started at 2mil about 3 years ago in Feb we raised it to 2.5mil.No problems with the law, but I would suggest you get a bonded book to keep her straight on the pay every month and have somebody verify it when you pay her. No questions about back pay when/if you have to terminate.

Is there really a VN law that requires you to have a house before you LOOK for a maid? That seems rather odd when so many seem to be eager to work here. But if I'm doing something illegal I sur would like to know, and I appreciate you bringing it to my attention.

  Perhaps I did not clarify, I'm in Nha Trang and will need the help in Nha Trang. It seems you are from HCMC. Is the person you had in mind from HCMC or NT?

Thanks vungtaudon Some good info

bta87 no man I was pulling your leg. It would be kind of hard though to negotiate with out showing the person what needs to be done in the house without a house. You'll have enough communication problems, assuming you and you're wife don't speak VN.

Gotha ya. I suppose it is like "which came first, the chicken..." Just looking to line up some prospects. If you knew my wife you would know why this comes pretty close to the top of the list in my book. When they defined dependent they were thinking of her.  ;) But tanks for the help. As always you provide sage advice. The latest project was to ferret out the VN rules on drivers licenses.
That was a surprise. Seems only Vietnamese residents are the only ones that can get one for a scooter over 50cc. Sans a temp for 90 days as a tourist. Whats the ramifications if you never get one. Heck I rent a scooter by the month and no one ever asked if I could drive it, let alone do I have  a DL

My licence is good for up to 175cc
If you never get stopped by the police or are not involved in any accidents the dl is not an issue. If you are stopped for speeding they can impound your bike. If you are involved in an accident I have heard that without a dl you are automatically at fault.
I've had my licence 3 years and have never had to show it.