SEARCHING for Valeriy Mikhalin (born in 1958) expat from Ukraine

Dear colleagues, Portugal citizens and all that believe world is small enough to find a person. We are the volunteers of Russian people searching agency called WAIT FOR ME addressing to you now and ask you to help and find a Ukranian (maybe ex-ukranian) citizen named Valeriy Stanislavovich Mikhalin, born in viilage Panovtsy, Kamenets-Podolskyi region, Khmelnitskaya oblast.
Valeriy Stanislavovich Mikhalin left Ukraine in December 1999 for Portugal willing to find professional occupation in Portugal. Last news from him were in 2008. He called from Lisboa.

Hereby we ask you to provide any support and advice to find Valeriy Stanislavovich.

Please, feel free to add to this post. By doing this we are surely will have more chances.

Mikhail's relatives in Russia willing to find info about him.

Thank you for understanding!

Evgeniy Borzykh-Letov
skype: sakh_islander

Together with the search of Valeriy Mikhalin, We are looking for some info of ex-Ukranian citizens:
1)  Igor Grinchak. He lived  with Valeriy in Lisbon in 1999-2001 in a house close to shop near the  fish store, at about 1 km away from the  railway station, close to shoe-shop LIDIA
2) Olga Belorus a woman who helped Igor and Valeriy to survive....She got married to a man in  Portugal.

relatives, friends, other who may know these names and people please add to the post...

You must contact Russian and Ukrainian embassy, it's really probable that they can help with it.