Do I need visa to visit Mauritius

Hello everyone, my is Tunde, I'm a Nigerian. I did my bachelors degree in Mauritius and I graduated in 2018. I currently live in Europe and I want to visit Mauritius, do I need to apply for a visa ? Also, what other things do I need to get so that I  can visit Mauritius ? Thanks in advance for any help.

Hello tuns13,

Welcome to 1f601.svg

Nigerians will get a visa on arrival in Mauritius at the port of entry.

Note that you will only get a two-week visa.


Cheryl team

@Cheryl hello Cheryl, thanks for your reply. If I intend to stay for more than two weeks what can I do ? I have Mauritian bank accounts (Ruppies and Dollars) do I need to have a certain amount of money in those bank accounts to apply for an extension ? Thanks for your help.

I invite you to read this > Extension Of Visa1f609.svg

@Cheryl Thanks a lot, I got all the information that I need. Thanks.