Work Permits in Cayman

This link (below) might be of value to anybody wanting to work in Cayman. Our Work-Permit system reflects the official contempt that exists towards foreigners coming to work here. One of our senior MLAs (legislators) a while back publicly jeered at a senior civil servant as "a piece of f***ing driftwood". That pretty much sums up the feeling that a large minority of the native-born have for expats. There are plenty of friendly and welcoming native-born Caymanians here, but they tend to be shouted down by the boors. … ream-move/

Workers still come in their thousands, from all over the world, but they always run the risk of being jerked around the way this English couple was. It's worth noting, too, that although we are a UK colony, no local preference is given to UK citizens.

Let me just bump this to the top, for the convenience of people looking to come to Cayman to work. The first thing you need to know is something about the Work Permit system. I have blogged about this from time to time, and enquirers are invited to check out some of my earliest blog-posts at
Also, check out the online magazine "Cayman New Resident" on Google.

I'm always glad to answer questions emailed to me, but asking for general information without having searched for any background stuff is not really satisfactory for anybody.