Marriage and visa

What I'm saying is, this procuration can be made in the foreigner's country. You gotta ask a model from the cartório and email it for the foreigner; There, he's going to take it to a note office responsible and ask them to writte as its written there, filling his information like name, adress, etc. A lawyer isn't needed. At this procuration he's gotta name  a brazilian to represent him in Brazil, putting procurator details like ID, CPF, etc. Then this procuration is going to be consulated like the rest of his docs, and sent to brazil; being translated and autenticated here. All offices I asked here allowed it and I know many people who do it to bring their spouses. Ask for your spouses in Brazil to get information about this at marriage offices, if I was lying I wouldn't tell them to ask at offices.

The phrase ""A lei permite aos cônjuges que não possam, por qualquer motivo, estar presentes na celebração do seu próprio matrimônio, que se façam representar por procurador bastante, munido de poderes especiais, necessariamente através de instrumento público, feito por tabelião de notas, com prazo de validade de noventa dias e menção inequívoca do outro contraente."

It doesn't say whatever about it has to be done in Brazil.

hi james

is there any visa like prospective marriage, fiance or spouse visa so that my wife can sponsor me from brazil so instead travelling on tourist i can go on that

barun.dash786 wrote:

hi james

is there any visa like prospective marriage, fiance or spouse visa so that my wife can sponsor me from brazil so instead travelling on tourist i can go on that

No there is no kind of fiancee visa in Brazil. If you can't get a VITUR Tourist Visa that's going to allow you at the very least a 90 day stay, and potentially even an extension for a further 90 I would say your chances of getting through the marriage process in time would be very slim.

If your fiancee can come to you, get married and she registers the marriage with the Consulado-Geral do Brasil there that is about the only way you're going to be able to make this happen, I'm afraid.


but james we already married in india and now she is in brazil & i want to go and settle there...i dont understand if i don't get 90 days visa then what to do ??

actually not in Brazil but we are planning any good country to settle and work...

When you got married in India, did your wife register the marriage at the Consulado-Geral do Brasil that has jurisdiction over the city where you live? That's the first step in having your marriage recognized in Brazil.

It is supposed to be the Brazilian spouse that registers the marriage in person, but in some cases they will allow the foreign spouse to do it. You should check with the Consulado and let them know your wife has returned to Brazil and request that they allow you to register the marriage.

For more information about registering a foreign marriage see the following topic:

Once the marriage is registered then you can apply for your VIPER Permanent Visa through the Consulado too. The documents required are all the same as if you applied here in Brazil, so read the other topics on permanency.

James     Expat-blog Experts Team