
So glad I've found this page! Luckily a trip to Sweden brings in my butter for shortbread. Is there a molasses equivalent in Norway?? tusen takk...

you can buy in asian shop

Thank you! Do you have the shop name?

I think usually at this point in a discussion about food in Norway someone points out that everything can be found around Gronland in Oslo :D

That's great, thank you, I did a look through Mathallen this past weekend and they suggested Rimi.

I used to see it in Ultra, imported from the UK. I think the Norwegian equivalent is Mørk Sirup, which you should be able to buy in almost any supermarket. I don't think it is identical, but probably close enough for most purposes.

Thank you, I think I'll try the Mørk Sirup out, it's amazing the amount of countries that don't have molasses!  :o

Norway has a very poor selection of sugar products. Maybe it's because of the sugar tax.

It's an interesting tactic that they take, truth be known I just want the molasses for gingerbread cookies.  :cool:

I prefer to use treacle, but that's almost the same thing. I just looked up some Norwegian recipes for gingerbread and those recipes used lys sirup. I guess you can experiment though if you want to.

Oh it will be an experiment, thanks for the great tips!