New to Paris, looking to make friends!

My name's Gemma. I'm a 21 year old student from England who's new  to Paris and looking to make some new friends!
Maybe a French<->English chat exchange could work?
I love walking, going out, cinema.. Just generally socialising!

Hi Gemma,

I sent you a private message about French/English chat exchange.
Let me know if it works for you.


hi my name is farhan ali khan , from france , i need new friend's teel me my id ans me

welcome to paris yahouuuuuu !!!!!! :D

Hi Gemma! :-)

I am sorry it took me this long to reply! I've been a bit busy lately trying to organise my life a little bit.

I would love to meet up! I am in the process of looking for a part time job, but until I get it, I am free almost all the time, except Mon.,Tue., and Thu. between 9am and 13.00 -> thats when I've got some language courses. I suggest we meet up next week, basically any time except those hrs when i'll be in class.  -> i wanted to send you n inbox message but your mailbox seems to be full so I'm writing here :-)

Let me know what you think and when it would be good for you :-)

hope to hear from you soon! Cheers!

Hello Gemma!

Sounds good to me - I'm in the same situation and going to the movies is never as fun by yourself :/

I'm Courtney, a 24 year old kiwi and have just moved here about a week ago.
Would love to meet up on the weekend and explore Paris or something if you want?


Hi this is Mizan from Bangladesh Now I am in Paris.I like to make with you friendship if you agree then.


I m IN for a meetup.. Keep posted if u plan something

Hello Gemma
I live in Paris and I am French
I'd love to exchange impressions about Paris
where I've lived for many years
See you soon Philippe

Hello how are you ? How is your new life in Paris

@ filar and Jo Bah > Please note that this is a very old topic and the member Gemma is not active on the forum (2012)  :dumbom:



Hello welcome in paris take my number whatsapp me +33 621 692 129