Applying for Dutch citizenship with the new 2022 law

Hello everybody!
As you might know , the law will be changed on 1st January 2022 and the level for Inburgering exams will be changed from A2 to B2.
Maybe someone knows more about this or is in the same situation as me .
The question is , if you already got the diploma in 2021 , can you still apply for the dutch citizenship in 2022 with it ? Or will I need to get a new diploma B1 level ?

Thank you

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

I've just checked the DUO website; the latest news I can find on the changes from levels A to B for the integration exams can be found at this link.  They seem to say that they are not even sure about the new date.

My advice is to speak to DUO directly and ask any questions you may have; this link will take you straight to the contact page of their website.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team

Thank you ! This was useful.

For people that are in the same situation maybe , a quick Update . I called DUO and i've been told that the new law will only apply to people that must take the exams .
If it is your own choice to take the inburgering exams , then the new dutch law for upgrading the level from A2 to B1 , doesn't apply to you.

Thank you for the update - very useful.

I should add that the requirement to do the higher-level exam has always been there, it's just that up until now, you could do it 2 years after you had moved to the Netherlands which gave everyone a chance to speak Dutch and develop their skills.

Expat Team

According to the IND the level A2 to B1 is not yet implemented. It is still a plan.