Looking for Maid service

Hi. I found a 2y old thread about this. So, I guess starting a new one is the way to go. I am looking for a maid for a 50sqm2 1bedroom apartment. I think around 2h per week. So, its a short thing. I dont like agencies as they keep changing the maid and also I have the feeling they might take a huge cut from the little the poor hardworking maids earn (at least that was the case in Malaysia with Chinese agencies). I would like to stick with one who is trustworthy an I could even give her the keys eventually. Anyone got an idea?

I thoroughly recommend Mrs Minh.
Call her at ***
If u need a reference, call Kevin at ***.

Moderated by Diksha 3 years ago
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Thxs Kevin. I just texted her. She is a very senior lady...omg. I always feel bad having ladies like that working while they actually should be retiring and enjoying life with their grandchildren...but oh well. Other countries.

As soon as I saw the title of this thread I knew it would have deleted messages.  At least the moderators didn't suggest that the maid who probably speaks little English and surely does not own a computer should put up a classified.  :o

THIGV wrote:

As soon as I saw the title of this thread I knew it would have deleted messages.  At least the moderators didn't suggest that the maid who probably speaks little English and surely does not own a computer should put up a classified.  :o

True, though it still worked as the reply had the cell number at the beginning so in my email I still can see the number :)

I know someone whom we have used during the two years we lived in District 4 from 2008 - 2010, who was a cook, maid, babysitter, shopper, etc, whatever we needed her for. She had access to our house with a key, but always gave it back to us when she left. She didn't want to have us worried. She doesn't speak English, but she is an amazing cook and such a thorough house maid, who knows just what to do. Her son is fluent in English. Her name is Hanh. His name is Tin. Have her cook for you just once, and you will never let her go. LMK if you want her contact (I will give you her son's phone/ email).

Hi Dandrodri. I know a very good maid and she can speak English. A lady you can trust. Her name is Ruby and she lives in HCMC district 7. She can do depending on the location of your apartment. Please contact me (private message)

Moderated by Julien 3 years ago
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