Ebook reader in mauritius

I am looking for ebook-reader device in mauritius (Kindle, Kobo, likebook, nook, etc)

If someone knows where I can buy, your recommendation is much appreciated.
I visited, Galaxy, Courts, 361. they do not deal this product.
1.0.1 multimedia advertised kindle product in Jul2020, but already out of stock.

Further question.
Mauritius book store doesn't deal with ebook reader device?

Thank you

Hi Julio, Welcome to Expat.Com  :)

Did you find an ebook- reader ?

I couldn't get my hands on one years ago, so someone (family) sent me one from SA (no after-sales services unfortunately) . Maybe you could enquire at BookCourt, but i'm not sure.

All the best,

I may have spare one (kobo), may it be of interest to you ?

Bonjour,  je suis intéressée par votre kobo si vous l'avez toujours

Check on 101 I think they have new kindle in stock.