It's A Beautiful Day in The Neighborhood

Sweet good morning in Vũng Tàu!

Clear blue sky, gentle sea breeze, warm (83° F) but not hot AND no humidity that I can feel.

All air conditioning off, every window open and a couple of fans helping to circulate the air inside my apartment.

Fresh green tea with light jazz music streaming from YouTube.

Fresh fruit from the local market and good neighbors available for a friendly conversation.

How's YOUR day shaping up?


Just drove back from a job, 15 hours all night, thru northern Canada, snow and frozen lakes. Looking at flights now to Saigon. Escape coming soon!

Rainy and cold, though today there is little wind! 3 to 8 C every day it seenms.
We had sun for 2/3s of the day yesterday.
Moss grows everyplace.

My wife and son don't mind the cold as much as me!

I miss Vietnam.

Today started off weird.
Really weird.
Rolling earthquake at 7am in Saigon lasted a couple minutes. Probably felt the swaying more bc living on 24th floor in a 29 floor tower.
Even a medium earthquake would devastate Vietnam because all construction is masonry which is brittle, doesn't flex.
San Francisco in 1906, brick buildings crumbled.  :o

gobot wrote:

Today started off weird.
Really weird.
Rolling earthquake at 7am in Saigon lasted a couple minutes. Probably felt the swaying more bc living on 24th floor in a 29 floor tower.

Was it an effect of the 6.0 earthquake in Laos?

In the press it says that it was felt in Hanoi and northern Thailand. Nothing from Saigon.

No earthquakes in Vũng Tàu!

And the air is pretty good compared to Sài Gòn as well:

Haze envelops Saigon again as air pollution reaches hazardous levels … 15721.html

Ciambella wrote:
gobot wrote:

Today started off weird.
Really weird.
Rolling earthquake at 7am in Saigon lasted a couple minutes. Probably felt the swaying more bc living on 24th floor in a 29 floor tower.

Was it an effect of the 6.0 earthquake in Laos?

Yes of course, the tremor travels over land. I've felt them many times in California. If that was a shallow 6.1 in Saigon, a lot of buildings would be down.  Houses and even big apartment blocks are built with unreinforced brick walls that are brittle. Damage like from quakes in Central America and Pakistan that kill thousands.
Google tells me there have only been 2 big quakes in the last 100 years, in far north Vietnam mountains.

OceanBeach92107 wrote:

Sweet good morning in Vũng Tàu!

Clear blue sky, gentle sea breeze, warm (83° F) but not hot AND no humidity that I can feel.

All air conditioning off, every window open and a couple of fans helping to circulate the air inside my apartment.

Fresh green tea with light jazz music streaming from YouTube.

Fresh fruit from the local market and good neighbors available for a friendly conversation.

How's YOUR day shaping up?


Just arrived back in Australia (Sydney) after spending the last 3 months traveling around Canada. A lot of smoke up on the mid north coast from all the bush fires here. Fly out to Bangkok on Monday for 3 weeks to see the the youngest son (he is based there for work) then on the 20th December arrive back in Vietnam for 3 months. Life is good.

It's A Beautiful Day In da hood  :cool: