Ceramic water filter project

Hi.  I'm coming to Rwanda for a few days and would like to visit the Ceramic Water Filter Project.  Does anyone have a contact I could email?
Thanks, mjp

Welcome on Expat.com mjp ;)

I hope that other members of the site will be able to help you. On the net, there is hardly no information available in regards with this project.


I think you should read this for more information. Princeton University and University of Agriculture Nigeria Research in Nigeria


They are also doing it in Kenya.

I hope this information reaches you in a timely manner. Here are a couple of websites that might help you. potterswithoutborders.com/wordpress/category/rwanda/

I'm arriving in Kigali July 17. Will you still be there at that time? If so, I would appreciate meeting you. I am very enthusiastic about the silver impregnated ceramic filters.

Please use my personal email to respond. excusebuster@gmail.com

Thank you
Warm Regards

I think you should contact Ministry of Infrastucture is leading this project, the project was designed by students of KIST (Kigali institute of Science and technology) located in the city centre of kigali, i hope it helps!

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