Schooling: Private/Public

Hi! Super new to the expat community.

Have spent much time researching ( endless hours on Google), calling. Like anywhere else, many schools will say they are great! I am aware of the system between. In some cases it seems quantity($$$) over quality. Yet, to be honest what do I really know?

Would like to know if there are any expats who have enrolled in public schooling ? Experience?

As much as homeschool sounds tempting, I believe they would be missing out on certain benefits by attending schooling ( social development, language. . .etc)

Thank you all!

I seriously doubt any public school would take a child with no Spanish skills except a Kinder

Private mixed language is probably the only option.  Also very hard to enter mid-year. Public schools want you to register months before a new year

Thanks for replying. To clarify my question,in regards to registration, we have already looked into that factor. Language wise the children are bilingual ( fluent) in both languages. The debate is between public or private, as the private school is about 45 min away from our home. Logically we would send them to the closet one to our home just that one is public. Seeking feedback from expats who have been in the public school system. As the private school seems to lack qualities we are seeeking they offer german and english thats about the difference.

Thank you so much for your reply 😊