Speaking Tswana in Botswana

Hi everyone,

It is widely agreed that speaking Tswana is essential for a successful integration in Botswana. Do you agree? Share your experience!

Do you speak Tswana? If so, where did you learn this language? Where can one attend a language course in Botswana?

If not, how do you cope with daily activities? Is it easy to communicate in a different language with Batswanas?

Thank you for sharing your experience.



There is nothing like speaking "Tswana", the language spoken here is called SETSWANA, that just for clarification.

But to your question:
No I don't speak Setswana as in the past everybody was able to communicate in English and English was an official language.
It still is but the trend to "localisation" is now showing that people are happy to stick to their tribal language and don't bother anymore. The radio programmes in English have now deteriorated to debates and phone-ins conducted mainly in tribal language.

So to answer the initial question, "Yes" one has to learn Setswana to be able to integrate