DQ in Riyadh

Can women drive in Riyadh DQ?

I am sure they could drive you nuts...not just in the DQ but everywhere else, including the expat-blog?

MusicMan, it's a talent :)

Hadeel, read the thread Diplomatic Quarters rules by schulz...seems all sort of things can happen in the DQ :)

musicman wrote:

I am sure they could drive you nuts...not just in the DQ but everywhere else, including the expat-blog?

MM, what is it that you mean?  :whistle:  I just don't think you are being very nice!  :lol::lol::lol:

CAF wrote:
musicman wrote:

I am sure they could drive you nuts...not just in the DQ but everywhere else, including the expat-blog?

MM, what is it that you mean?  :whistle:  I just don't think you are being very nice!  :lol::lol::lol:

CAF, please don't misunderstand MM. Thats a compliment! Men love to be driven nuts. They live for it! :lol: