Safety in Slovenia


We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Slovenia?

How would you define the level of safety in the country?

Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear?

Do you think there is a high rate of criminality, social problems or tensions?

Share with us your insight on safety in Slovenia and in the city you live in.

Thank you in advance,


I live in Slovenia's oldest city and art capital of Ptuj where foreigners are considered very interesting, and they want to know everything about them in extraordinary detail, which they now believe they do. Although they will continue asking as they are unable to remember anything that happened before last weekend.

Meanwhile, as a well-known woman-stalking gay jewish pedo devil-worshipping nigger-loving junkie gypsy foreign spy I can say that the chicken-factory-flavoured streets of Ptuj are as safe as anywhere for womanising gay jewish pedo Satanic nigger-loving junkie gypsy secret agents, and for people like me safety compares quite well with most American ghettoes, the Bolivian jungle, Salem in the 1690s, Chechnya, and fluoridated Lincoln, England. 

In the couple of months leading up to Christmas 2014 I only had a couple of sneak thefts from house guests, and the attempted armed home invasion by the town arsonist and his associates didn't succeed unless you count the 10,000 euro fire destruction of my neighbour's outbuilding.

The police wisely ignored the physical DNA evidence, as the analysis is quite expensive.  And I still have the realistic imitation firearm Muhič dropped at the scene. When Slovenians murder their girlfriend for trying to leave - or their parents - they usually just sit there crying until the cops arrive, although occasionally there is a more difficult case where they go to work the next day and have to be arrested there.

Only ex-cops, doctors, and nightclub owners make a serious effort to get away with killings and since Croatia joined the EU it has been necessary to go a bit further to avoid doing your jail time.  After five years you can come back scot free.

As far as road safety goes, only yesterday four people were killed in one of our routine horrific crashes. Relatives seeking justice can choose from a variety of greedy lawyers, and the best advice is to just have a drink and forget it. In this case police are looking for the tanker driver...but he ran away. The victims were Romanian anyway and probably wouldn't have been able to afford to prove blame in Slovenian had they survived.

For more background please see my web page at which is not even in Slovenian although you can pay a small fortune to have everything translated into the official language of Slovene, and it is possible a few other Slovenians will be able to understand the result.

In Slovenia your rights to equal treatment regardless of your language or financial status are guaranteed by the Constitution, provided you can pay to have your foreign demands translated into the official language. 50% of Slovenians, however, do not know all the one-letter words in their own language.

Despite its Catholic child-raping heritage, suicide is legal and Slovenia leads the world in suicide statistics. Troublemaking in the village is discouraged and the number of official allegations is minimal as you will want to keep your job and what will your mother say if you go around telling wicked stories like that? 

If you yearn for Ireland of the 1960s Slovenia is the safe place for you.  Your chances of being raped as an adult are extremely low, as sex has little to do with ball or video games, while most Slovenians would not provide sexual services without some form of payment and there is always a good chance the rapee would not have the money until next week, by which time your debt would have been forgotten. In all other cases it is the woman's fault.

For regular updates on crime and public safety in Slovenia follow The National Poet Of Slovenia In A Language People Understand

Not much goes on here, but it would be silly to bury you head in the sand to think nothing happens anywhere.
Possibly the worse likely thing that would happen to you would be someone to punch you up.

There is all sorts of domestic disturbances that end up in murder or someone getting hurt but its 99% of the time between family.
Other than that its very safe