Arriving in Jeddah tomorrow.

Hi Guys

Sorry if my post sounds repetitive but since there has been no new post on moving to Jeddah, am posting a fresh one.

I will be arriving tomorrow evening, InshAllah alone and would be joined by my family later on. Are there any tips to keep in mind at the airport? Things to do? And don't? Do you recommend that I buy the sim from the airport itself?

My company is putting me up in a hotel for a month and within this time I need to look for accommodation for myself & family. I am looking for the western compound itself. Not sure how easily I would get one. We are moving from Kenya so not sure what to expect in terms of school availability. Would appreciate any or all help.

Thanks in advance


You probably have landed here so welcome.

SIM you should have picked up from the airport and STC is the way to go, you an only get the prepaid since you are fresh off the boat.

For compounds search is your friend

School also has many discussion threads.

and in terms of moving here, you are moving from one jungle to another....enjoy your stay.