College and Universities in Riyadh

Planning your higher education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia? Well, this post is for you. Knowledge and Education, There is no end to it!
Ladies and Gentlemen who have experience working in the educational field, please go through the careers/jobs section in the websites listed in the link below...

anitabejoy wrote:

Planning your higher education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia? Well, this post is for you. Knowledge and Education, There is no end to it!
Ladies and Gentlemen who have experience working in the educational field, please go through the careers/jobs section in the websites listed here...
List of College and Universities in Saudi Arabia

Hold on, Anita... most Saudi universities will not allow foreigners.  I know that in Riyadh Arab Open University does.  I don't know about  any others.

Anybody know?

Apparently things are opening up in recent times and foreign students are being given the opportunity to admit in some of the local universities. We still need to get proper clarification on which ones and for what areas of learning under what criteria?

Its a +ve step, anyways

any1 know how to apply for job in these uni?any procedure?

The best way is to try and contact someone within the Uni. There are some who are known to us and have been on this forum before.

Oh yes, colleges like SMU and RCSDP are open to all applicants who meet the admission requirements regardless of nationality, age, and gender.