Looking for contributors for a literary project all around China

Hello everyone,

If you like to write in English, Spanish or French, or you have friends that like it too , we are looking for contributors for the literary project orientAbismos. We want to find people all around China that have something to tell about their experiences in this country, those experiences on the abyss that we all have had, either in prose or verse format.

For more information, feel free to check our blog orientabismos.blogspot.com, or facebook.com/orientabismos, or sending us an e-mail to orientabismos@gmail.com. We will be glad to answer any question.

We hope that this message can reach as many people as possible, so if you read it and know people that could be interested, spread the word! :)





Hello orientabismos and welcome to Expat.com

I invite you to drop in an advert in the appropriate section of the site so as to better spread the word :

>> Looking for Testimonies in China <<

Expat.com Team

Cool! Thanks!