Looking for a slow cooker!

I am trying to find somewhere to buy a slow cooker from. I've been to a few places in Grand Baie but all they seem to have is rice cookers, pressure cookers or convection ovens. Does anyone know where I might be able to buy one? Or maybe know someone who is selling their own for a decent price?



Hi Taramara,

I bought two slow cookers in the past couple of months.  I bought one in Cash & Carry and the other in Super U.  They cost about 1,500 to 1,600 Rs and they both work well.  I use one and a friend of mine uses the other one.  I did have a bit of difficulty trying to find them.  Maybe they are only in stock now and then.  It might be worth your while asking the shop assistant have they any in stock at the moment.



Hi Tamara,
I found mine at Shoprite in Tamarin.  That might be a bit of a hike for you, though!  Good luck.  :)

A friend found hers at Shoprite at Trianon.
Not seen any at all in Grand Baie.