Does anyone speak Basque?

Does anybody speak Basque? Is it very different from Spanish?
Who can tell me that?
Thank you!


Wikipedia is usually a good start :-)

It sais even their numbering system differs (base 20 instead of 10), sounds pretty different to me :-) … _languages

Other than a fringe theory about common finno-ugric origins of the Basque and Hungarian laguages, what brought you here to our humble forum?

i speak french it s ok  or not ?lol

I didn't read the Wiki entry but I presume the base 20 is because they include both fingers and toes. Very logical. I guess mostly useful when the weather is warm, one is wearing sandals and not a mutant.

Anyone else noticed in the wikipedia example sentence the word "eta" seems to mean something common, like "the":

Gizon-emakume guztiak aske jaiotzen dira, duintasun eta eskubide berberak dituztela; eta ezaguera eta kontzientzia dutenez gero, elkarren artean senide legez jokatu beharra dute.

Maybe it's like "AND" in French (i.e. "et") or Latin, "et tu.."

Basque is so obscure. Chances of finding anyone around here speaking that is probably pretty slim. Same chance as Manx? Cornish? Scots Gaelic? Fries? Minute likelihood I'd have thought.