Networking Before the Move

People from New England who would like to network before a move to Ecuador, please contact me.It would be great to talk about fears and concerns we have, share information collected, practice Spanish, visit Ecuadorian Restaurants in the area together, pick the brains of friends and family who have visited or lived in Ecuador or discuss anything else we have in mind as a group. We can meet at our home, a boat on the CT River or switch meeting spots to make it more convenient for most. It's just a thought, but not sure if there is a need.  Would love comments. My friends could be a little tired of hearing about Ecuador.I do have a few friends who  have recently visited Ecuador and could be a good source of info for others, though.

Hi  Joyce U.,

Welcome to expat-blog!

Feel free to participate on the Ecuador forum. :)

Best wishes,


Thank you, David. I have been reading it for quite a while now and finally decided to sign up and participate. It is a wonderful forum for those of us who are thinking about moving to Ecuador. So many questions are answered. Joyce