Computer shops

Folks, where can I buy good laptop/ipad etc and be sure its real?  Thanks! Nguyen Kim doesn't really have a good choice...

ooooooooooooooops, a question of trust. I actually try to avoid buying here in Vietnam things, I really rely on. Work computer and phone - usually a friend brings them in, commonly complete, no cds or other gizzmos missing and less money.
Tihngs like can have - throw away phone, travel laptop, I try to use shops, commonly a bit higher priced, seeing there a chance to get the real thing. Warranty, I would not give for any reseller, whatever is the product, not even for the goose egg on the street corner

yea but which shops? I hear you, bought laptop once, it lasted one year...But I'm looking for b-day present and not traveling anytime soon to Singapore :(
Bought 3 iPhones already here, they are totally fine...My colleague knew websites where to order but he is not in Vietnam anymore and we are not in touch...

Which brands do you want to buy?
If apple, try "future world" shop.
Or FPT retails shop, Phong Vu...

Hello, some off topic posts have been moved, please stick to the initial subject.


Nguyen Kim offers replacement, repair or a refund for its products.  I would reconsider.

I do not need repair and replacement if they do not have what I want. I think it makes sense.