Netherlands Jobs - Logistics

I am receiving so many mixed messages while job searching on the internet back in the US regarding legally working in the Netherlands.  Seems that the best means for a work Visa is to secure employment with a US/UK company already doing work there.  I am in the logistics field & discovered most jobs require one to be multi-lingual - I just purchased "Complete Dutch" yesterday, but know I have a long way to go.  My question is...does anybody know of a specific site for ex-pats to apply for jobs in Holland?  Our arrival has been moved up 6 months to December 2012!  So, I must be proactive now!

I do have an interview scheduled this Thursday with the Netherlands Honorary Consulate in Orlando FL.  Lots of questions regarding maintaining legal residence & work rites there.  Any advice is appreciated from those already there!
Be well, all...

Hi David!
I'm not aware of any sites that focus specifically on jobs for expats other than this one (yet), but I'll keep my eyes and ears peeled for you. Good luck!