T-Shirts to print really cheap


I had found this topic here already:

And I ended up checking out one shop in Dist. 10, but even in a large number of prints (for example 200), the prices would still be three times more than what I heard from a friend. Actually I'm just thinking of low-quality prints and cheap t-shirts. I heard Dist. 10 is still a good place, but how to find these shops? Thanks a lot.

Yives wrote:


I had found this topic here already:

And I ended up checking out one shop in Dist. 10, but even in a large number of prints (for example 200), the prices would still be three times more than what I heard from a friend. Actually I'm just thinking of low-quality prints and cheap t-shirts. I heard Dist. 10 is still a good place, but how to find these shops? Thanks a lot.

what is the price u looking at?

i might be able to help.

do email me at andyheng18@gmail.com with the infos.

Thanks Andy, just dropped you an email.

Hi Yives and welcome to the forum!


Hi Francesca, thank you!