Start from basics, re finances, visas/residency

Hi, I was a forum member a few years ago, collating info on how to start a new life in Portugal - this was before Brexit. Back then I was not really in a position to move, hence the planning. Then Brexit happened and a few months later, my mum passed away and my world crumbled. Today I am back to the point where I was previously, planning to leave UK and my research starting from scratch. This site was brilliantly helpful previously and I'm sure it still will be. I need to start from basics, re finances, visas/residency etc... However I am older now with a slight disability and semi retired, looking to retire or do some light work. Buy a property/land be a bit more self sufficient and I have the strong possibility of a friend wanting to do the same, so we could pool resources.  Nice to be back!  1f60a.svg

Hi @embu, Welcome.

Some help here:

Experience sharing about Visas to Portugal (D7 & others)

Residence Rights in Portugal for UK citizens after BREXIT

Buy a property/land be a bit more self sufficient -@embu

These vlogs may be useful to you:

"OK Portugal" Channel

Uk couple who bought a farm near Castelo Branco

"Cindy Vine" Channel

Cindy bought a farm near Castelo Branco,  in Central Portugal. In her youtube channel you can see all the process involved she has passed through to realise her life project. This may help anyone who is searching answers in subjects like this one. She will have to do a lot of renewals there. All the process of buying a farm... pros and cons of each one, etc.


Hi  @JohnnyPT

Thanks for the warm welcome and that great advice, pointing me in the right direction - really appreciate it  1f618.svg

Hello everyone and welcome Embu !

Please note that this new thread has been created from your posts on the Portugal forum.

All the best
