Reired GIs

Retired American military thinking about moving.  Can someone please give me the pro's and cons of this decision.  I would like to live in an American area.  Is this possible? I've heard Clark AFB is almost all retired GI's?

Hi bilpal6,

Welcome to! :)

I hope other members will be able to advise you.

Hi Bipal. My impression, with the closing of the bases. that most GI's that retire to the philippines now are married to filipinas and live near or in the wifes barangay. this is just my impression from browsing the Expat.coms and i might be all wet. lol


We are about to build a village specifically for retired American Veterans. I am married to an American and I will tell you the story later why we decided to pursue this mission on helping retired Veterans. 

We moved back here last year with my family and parents in law who are in their 80s. Let me know your personal preferences, and if you have a family or single.

Looking forward in being able to assist you effectively and efficiently.


Subic Freeport/Clark Area has a lot of retired Americans. Its close to Manila so you have access to medical facilities. ot sure if they still have VA facilities.

@BILPAL, you may consider these properties in the