Safety in Luxembourg


We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Luxembourg?

How would you define the level of safety in the country?

Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear?

Do you think there is a high rate of criminality, social problems or tensions?

Share with us your insight on safety in Luxembourg and in the city you live in.

Thank you in advance,


20+ years ago, Growing up in Luxembourg - prostitution, crime and drugs etc were always there - but it was rarely 'in your face'. Bar fights were rare, and I did not even know what carjacking was. You could enjoy a night out with your friends in the city, and take the train back home on your own. Safety wasn't something my parent's needed to be overly concerned about.

A few weeks ago, I had dinner with some friends in the city. Wow - how Luxembourg has changed. Things you used to have to go out of your way to find - today are looking for you.

I wondered if Luxembourg has really changed, or is it just that now I'm a Dad - I'm seeing things through different eyes. I asked my parents - they conceded that Luxembourg is no longer as safe as it was.

I have a few years yet before I need to balance that precarious tight rope between letting my kids spread their wings and keeping them safe. But it's sad to conclude that while Luxembourg is safer than many places - it's no longer safe enough.