Toddler food in Abu Dhai


Does anyone know where to buy toddler instant food in Abu Dhabi (e.g., Heinz toddler food). I already checked Lulu and Abu Dhabi Coop, but they only sell limited types of Heinz baby food.


Did you visit Carrefour ? They should have something !

Yes, I did. The same thing happens at Carrefour. They only sell very little baby food types. I don't know if there is any shop dedicated to baby foods (in particular Heinz) in Abu Dhabi. I know one baby shop in Elekta --- near tourist club area. But that one only sells baby clothes, toys,... but not food.

why dont you contact heinz from their website..they might be able to help you

Good point, but couldn't find their contact. Could only find a website of Heinz baby food, but that website is only for Canada.

go to careffour my friend

or Spinney's or Abela


i checked out the website. OMG ITS SOOO CUTE  baa baaa me wants to eat from it LOL...maybe if you requested goodies they might send it? I am assuming the foodies are like powder and stuff. Type of foodies that wont rot and will last???

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