Notes and Guidance on bringing pets to Mauritius?


I have found the web page for notes and guidance on bringing pets into MRU (thanks Rosie Westie) but unfortunately I cannot download the docs except for the application form which I have successfully got hold of...REEEESULT!

Does anyone have an up-to-date list of requirements? Required quarantine if coming from a rabies free country? Any guidance is greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance for all the great help!


Im going to import my cat soon  ^_^
Im visiting Veterinary dept of Ministry of Agricultural, or smth, this tuesday, to find out all the details. Ill post the results here.

Thanks Burn!

Hi Damian,

i have all the docs relating to importation of pets, where do i need to send it to you?



can u pls mail them to me..?

overtorment no spam gmail dot com


here, i scanned and uploaded documents which they gave me:

and when ill apply filled documents ill have to provide copy of veterinary passport of my cat.

hi Burn,

Thanks for the upload! I can't seem to download it from keeps asking me to find the right program to open?? Probably me!



its archived. you need WinRAR or similar unpacker


theres too much conditions.. the toughest ones - several blood examinations prior least a month before the departure.

1) anyone knows if its 100% obligatory..?
2) are there services which ship animals without human owner escort..?

Hi Burn,

It's 100% compulsory all the test and regulations. Yes, you  do have services without owner escort.
