
Hello Ladies and gentleman i've a question, is it easy to find chef work around the spain regions. As i was thinking of Moving.

Currently in the UK but i need sun sea cocktails and a new start. If you can let me know that would be great.

Thank you

Hi Liam,
I understand your desire to move south and enjoy sun, sea and cocktails. I suspect however, that while working in a kitchen, cocktails will not be supplied. Also, I presume you speak Spanish as it is an absolute requirement in any kitchen that employs locals, which is all of them.
I don't want to discourage you from moving, but I do want to encourage you to make sure you understand what it involvs, to avoid future disappointments:
- bureaucracy in Spain is different and much of the interaction with the government (local or otherwise) is done in person and in Spanish.
- there is plenty of work to be found, but speaking Spanish is a must.   
- the cost of living is lower than in the UK, but the wages are lower too.

Best advice I can give you is:
1) learn to speak Spanish.
2) understand what is involved with regards to settling permanently in Spain as a UK resident.
3) make sure you have a lawyer to help you buy or rent a dwelling. There are just too many rules to understand what is right and what is wrong.

Good luck at making the right decision,

Hello Erik

Thank you for the swift response and the detailed information, in all fairness i've lived in a few places around Europe and only came back from Czech Last year, and i know Spain being very popular with Tourists who not only Travel for Fun but they also travel for 6 to 8 months to work, and regarding the Language, maybe some will require some basic Spanish..... but i can assure you it's not a definite requirement

Specially in Season with all the holiday makers, you'll be surprised how many people are employed by hotels bars restaurants and cafe. That dont speak any Spanish. Maybe just the very basics

I'm not planning on Moving yet, just thought i'd get an idea of how it could be.

Sometimes i like to miss all the drama and just take a risk.. because what would life be like if you never took one? 😅

Have to be in it to win it. 👍