
Hi everyone. I have an interview with Conversaspain this coming week and was curious as to how to prepare and what to expect. Additionally, I am curious as to how much of a financial commitment I need to prepare for, as there is a huge fee they want up front, and I'd be traveling with my wife and young son. The fees are an issue for me as more costs will be added to those as well. Thanks for any help this Canadian could use.

@Regan Canada

I'm not sure the interview will be that challenging: their requirements are that you're a native English speaker and have a degree. If you talk proper and seem to be a normal/friendly kinda guy, I'd guess that goes a long way. :-)

The salary/stipend is pretty small, and the fees/expenses are significant, so while it's not volunteering/internship, it seems not far off to me. That would tend to reduce the applicant pool. But if you can afford it, and love kids/teaching, it might be a nice way to see Spain for a few months. Especially as they help you with the trip. It's probably an interesting option to combine the trip with a TEFL course/certificate, if you actually want to do more teaching afterwards.

If you haven't read their supporting doc yet, it's here: … n24-25.pdf

My guess is you are gonna need money to cover some/most/all the following: fees, travel/relocation, immigration/visa bureaucracy/supporting docs, health insurance. Rent/living expenses until your salary kicks in. If you want the TEFL cert, that's an extra chunk too.

TEFL is not the world's best-paid or most stable career, so think twice before you head down this avenue (especially with wife/child). If you are thinking about it, then maybe it's more cost-effective to do a self-contained TEFL course, and then  apply for proper jobs (or teach remotely). On the other hand, if you just want to spend a few months in Spain, it's probably easier/cheaper to organize your own trip and forget the teaching bit.