About recepise

I just have refugee status this month so they said I have to wait for my recepeci to come out before my carta sejour so I want to ask how many months can it take before my recepeci can come out or my carta sejour will come out and can I travel with my recepeci when it comes out

Please I want a answer about what I just posted


THIS style of question has been answered many times in the past. It is impossible to give an answer on the processing time of an administrative file. Because none of us knows the workload of the competent services in this area. And it is even more difficult when the file is poorly prepared or involves difficulties intrinsic to the person.

When the possibility of traveling, it's no. Because that only allows you to reside in France. And anyway with the current health crisis, it's even more utopian than hoping to travel as you please.

Patience and enjoy the sunshine! It's a loss of energy to try to hurry the authorities in most countries and France is no exception.  However, I imagine you will be able to travel around your area once you have the 'récépissé'.  I would advise you keep up to date regarding the present pandemic situation and check you are within the 10 k perimeter.
Things may loosen up soon though so keep hoping and praying.  Good luck Bercky.

Recepissé is a kind of certificate or pass to allow you to travel with no hassle. As if you travel without any status paper in your hands will drive  you to prison before being extraded in your native country

Henri Stref wrote:

Recepissé is a kind of certificate or pass to allow you to travel with no hassle. As if you travel without any status paper in your hands will drive  you to prison before being extraded in your native country

just on the national territory. Because the Schengen procedure does not apply.


Are you a political asylum person? Good luck with everything