Job Opportunities in Istanbul!

In November 2017, I moved to Istanbul to join my family having finished my master's degree in Transport Engineering in Japan (Afghan national). After looking for a job for six months or so, I decided to study further and go abroad. Meanwhile, I was busy teaching English to kids in a local language school.

After a year of preparation, I was able to get admission and travel to Germany in 2019 for my second master's degree. In 2019, I concentrated on my German language and studied it until B2 and started my master's (Technical Logistics) in April 2020. I also speak Turkish ( between B1 and B2), Persian (native), Hindi(C1), and some basic Japanese.

Now, I regret my decision of moving to Germany because my mom and siblings are living in Istanbul. Until I finish my second master's, I will be 34. I would like to know what will be my chances of landing a job in the field of logistics in Istanbul in 2022?

I would appreciate your help!

Hello bektash, because of the location of the country you can able to find jobs from logistic companies that are interested in the country or outside the country, due to covid it is no sure that one can find it easly but you can check to see jobs related