Telemedicine in Panama

Hello everyone,

Maybe you have already tried telemedicine in Panama or you are very tempted to take the leap. With the pandemic and the necessity to avoid hospitals, telemedicine seems to be the new normal.
We would like to know your opinion about this recent phenomenon or to have your feedback if you already gave it a try when you needed to see a doctor.

If you have already consulted a doctor remotely from Panama, what was your impression?

If not, are you willing to try it? Why?

In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of this practice in Panama?

What type of doctor have you been able to talk to? What platform did you use to make this medical appointment? How easy was it to fix an appointment? What about payment?

How did you get your prescription and was it valid at the pharmacy?

Thank you for your contribution!

Have a good day,

Diksha, team

Is telemedicine available in Panama? We've been using it stateside during the pandemic but we'll be in Panama this Dec & Jan - would love the option of telemedicine, if available!

Not readily available.