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I am Ronald. Been in Cairo for 9 months now. And so far the life is nice, the work not so much..but apperently that has to do with the culture.
Due to Corona i have not been allowed to travel much, but hope soon its possible again, as i still want to experiance aome areas as Sinai and other nice areas.

I think you can travel anywhere u like as long as You are in Egypt now
There is few restrictions but still u can enjoy all places around

Hey Ronald where are you from ? Am
Bosnian I have been here since 6 years and working it's lovely in Sinai hope you'll enjoy it there

Hi Amir,
There are still resteictions when you have a tourist visa. I can fly to places, but not by car. Its untill the 1st of november the restrictions are there.

He Jessica,
I am from holland, small place near the border of belgium. Cairo is nice, but i do miss the sea

Sure I know where it is since am Bosnian enjoy your stay in Cairo 😊


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