Our lives with 5G and beyond, fears, concerns or objections

It is time to talk more about our lives with 5G, 6G and beyond.  First, the focus here is two fold,  what is 5G and how will we be affected technology & health wise?

5G is the declared 5th generation technology that will dominate our cell phones and routers that we use daily. This capability is based on bands that most likely will include newer frequency bands, such as: 3.7 GHz, 4.5 GHz, and especially 28 GHz and up  allocations (also known as the mmWave regime) that can vary by country. 

For expats in the PI, this directly touches on SAR limits in the USA that are ignored in some markets in Asia.  The SAR is an old topic I touched on a few years ago here but can be viewed from the FCC website here:  https://www.fcc.gov/general/specific-ab … telephones

The birth - Any of us that has a background in micro-electronics may recall being involved in circuit designs that grew from LSI to VLSI Technology in a matter of a few years.  The LSI (Large Scale Integration) emergence enabled such things as microcircuits.  The growth to VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) laid the foundation for “Hybrid” devices.  All terms, standards and categories being directly tied into IEEE guidelines.  See related info here:  https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1135486

The concepts being pushed in 2020 - It was not long ago that we were introduced to MIMO technology to enhance our communications.  With MIMO, our phone devices are loaded with “Multiple Input Multiple Output” radio antenna technology.   

This means end-users here in 2020 and beyond, are not able to detect if the cell phone is using 2, 4, or even 8 built-n antennas by exterior features.  This MIMO technology is confirmed by a simple search on Amazon where a newer “4X4” MU-MIMO Router can be seen with 10 antennas: https://www.amazon.com/FORTINET-FortiAP … s9dHJ1ZQ==

These multiple antennas enable both the transmitter and receiver to handle many signal paths.  With MIMO, the data traffic is allocated to separate paths for each antenna.  In summary, a fined tuned 5G system lays the foundation for 6G.  With this increased bandwidth comes increased speeds and much larger data traffic.

As a US Army veteran that had a 1-year AIT or job (MOS) producing rating where for two years after, my job was to work on special communication systems/RF MW systems, this exposure to unsafe “power density levels” has had some health consequences. 

Therefore, with higher powered, higher frequency MIMO cell phones entering the market globally, what are your fears, concerns or objections regarding holding 5G/6G phones, void of any SAR ratings, (allowed to be sold in the PI), with multiple antennas, next to your head?

I go online using a tablet, never had or wanted a cell phone.  Will I also suffer the same problems?

That is a very good question.  If the tablet is using WIFI and it has 5G connection capability, the SAR specs can be the same.  However, most tab users do not have cell phone capability or hold the unit up to their heads so there will be much less radiation than a cell phone. 

You should be fine the way you use it, if you are staying with a 4G router. 

The biggest issue with cell phones come with the transmit phase.  It is in this phase that the phone uses the higher power to get the data/voice packets out.  All of this comes under Non-Ionizing Radiation (NIR) exposure in the RF/MW frequencies, which means instead of producing charged ions when passing through matter (Ionizing Radiation), it has sufficient energy only for excitation; which still causes biological effects/anomalies to our bodies.

Note:  When we cook/heat food in a MW Oven, that is NIR or "excitation" at work.

In the coming years, all persons using a MIMO Router to connect in their homes wirelessly, will be exposed more.  Example, I use CAT 7 cable (now available in CAT 8: https://www.amazon.com/Ethernet-Outdoor … s9dHJ1ZQ==) to connect to my iMac via the ethernet port, to minimize wired signal losses and to not have a wireless connection to the internet, as I sit in front of this 27" iMac for hours, at times. BTW - PLDT is still using CAT 5 cable with their equipment resulting in slower/chocked speeds.

Back to your question - Most tabs do not have a ethernet port and can only connect wirelessly.

PS.  If you can get a decent wired or fiber connection to your home and avoid 5G wireless connections, you will be better.  If in the future, you get a laptop and connect it via the fast ethernet port, then turn your 5G router WIFI off, you will be in the safest setup. 

Nearly all good routers will come with ethernet ports for wired internet connections.  Just make sure the 5G WIFI portion can be switched off.  It sounds counter productive but a super fast fiber signal will not harm humans.  It is the Router's ability to turn that fast fiber signal into a 5G WIFI signal; that is then broadcasted thru your home - that creates the concerns I bring up in my post.

Thank you, I appear to be good, 4G only.

Yes, and sorry for the long response but this is an important topic for me since I have been fighting VA for 4+ years regarding a tumor caused by RF/MW NIR exposure.

Sorry if this appears to be a little off-topic...but it appears really worrying in terms of our very own human privacy...5G/6G/AI/AI++...that would include my fears & objections.
Also who is keeping watch on these very watchers?
This youtube clip kind of addresses the matter....some countries are all out to achieve outcomes out of all this new ever evolving tech which is amazing but just leaves you with even more questions.
Again Omo.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0dMTAQ … ture=share

No worries, you also ask a very good question.  Since I am still working on keeping answers shorter, I will attempt to give short clear answers.

Who is watching?  In the USA, the key to watching this process is centered on whom controls the spectrum and allocation of bandwidth.  Spectrum management is found under US Dept. of Commerce, NTIA.  The NTIA does this from the Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee. 

In other countries the systems can include bids, and locations from certain departments to business owners where millions are exchanged for these rights or licenses.

As a country runs out of the nearly exhausted lower frequencies, the more complex higher freqs & bandwidth continue to push leading edge technologies as we become more of a digital society. 

Storage in the cloud is another way to use dedicated servers that manage data sets within the web.  Therefore, sending info and retrieving info from the "cloud" continues to place market pressures on newer/faster technologies that can operate in the newer/faster remaining spectrums with this increased demand on data transfers. 

Some countries tie this into the need to grow market share based on current or projected penetration.  I once saw research on WIFI and countries with certain building standards.  If a country builds homes mostly that are cement based vs a wood frame home (typical for many US Homes), which home would a person think would have a stronger WIFI signal?  WIFI is known to have less loss thru a less solid mass.

In summary, there will be less and less "guardrails" with 5G & 6G, until more humans are diagnosed with exponential increases in upper body tumors, IMHO. 

With nearly every new medical anomaly we see, it is the reactions that get the late attention, not the persons trying to be proactive.

It is not my intent to grow conspiracy theories ......  I am posting on facts already in the public domain.  Thanks for voicing your concerns and the questions.