How much is long term rental bachelor place in Aussie?

How much is long term rental bachelor place in Aussie per month? A bachelor unit that has its own kitchen and bathroom. Can you please tell me how much it is both in the city and rural places.

Where are the cheapest places for rent in terms for both city and rural? And how do I find these long term rentals?

Could you state which city? Prices vary. I live in Adelaide in a suburb called Kent Town. Rents for one bedders are around 400 a week not including electricity, water, cable, etc. Having said that there are cheaper places while others are more expensive. People share to cut costs. Check out to give you an idea of rentals.

couldn't find the link you meant under the review? and just in the entire country which town would be the cheapest I could find, don't got a preference to region

Realestate dot com dot au

You could Google Australian student housing for sale. A friend told me some are for sale in Adelaide.