Virus Theme Movies

While some movies may teach us a lesson or two about how to behave in the future  and make to some of us change our way of thinking..

Despite that some people may find this list a little bit odd, based on our current delicate global situation and  ‘virus-theme-movies' might be an outrageous attempt,

Here is my recommended movies' list, were all of them -and this is the most interesting part of all-, had been taken place in very distant places and countries around the world,  yet unbelievable too realistic as we unfortunately already proved.

Contagion (2011)

The Flu (2013)

Train to Busan (2016)

28  Days Later (2002)

Rec  (2007)

Outbreak (1995)

12 Monkeys (1995)

I Am Legend (2007)

Cargo (2017)

Carriers (2009)

It Comes At Night (2017)

World War Z (2013)

I really loved Train to Busan, glad you mentioned it. One of my all time favorites though was "The Thing"....

Glad you enjoyed it!

“Every disaster movie starts with a scientist being ignored.”

                                                                      - Katharine Hayhoe -

Exactly  :top:

Not into virus movies as much but enjoyed Train to Busan. The end was kind of corny for me though... there's a sequel, right?

I watched a classic sci-fi movie recently that's about a different subject but that contained a pandemic sub-theme, Lathe of Heaven.  There are actually two versions of it on Youtube as whole movies, but I've only watched the 70s classic version so far.  I think the other was good too; I should check that out.

The movie premise was that a guy had "effective" dreams; his dreams would change reality.  In one a pandemic occurred.  It had that cool 70s sci-fi feel to it, like Logan's Run, it was just a bit less dystopian.

Thank you kittycat1 for opening this thread ;)

I also recommend

28 weeks later (2007), yes, the sequel to 28 days later (I'm still waiting for 28 Months later, which will never probably never come out)

The Andromeda Strain (1970 -ish), a cult classic

Blindness (2008) has a good starting point !

and finally the "Isle of dogs" (2018) by Wes Anderson.

Have a good week end everyone.

Thank you 'BKK tea blog' and 'Löic' for your suggestions..

after all my last bet shall be:

'we better watch any -Eddy Murphy- movie to cheer us up a bit !!


Went down through your list last weekend, wanna say that 28  Days Later, 12 Monkeys and I Am Legend by far are the best.

Train To Busan a great movie on the subject of viruses, I watched it with the netflix app at [link moderated]

I thought the Stand was pretty good. Miniseries not a movie but it definitely has the pandemic gone wild vibe.

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