What Are the Best Destinations for Remote Digital Workers from US?

Hi, I'm from UK but working in Eastern Europe. I'm interested in hearing from US digital nomads about which foreign destinations they recommend. I'd be very happy if you could take the short survey below! We will share the results with you and publish them in an article about remote working on StorageCafe. Thanks a lot!

1. Which is your favorite remote working destination (country and location)?
2. What attracted you to that remote working destination?
3. In what ways is it better than where you were living?
4. Where did you move from in the US (state and location)?

Eh, I'm not from the US but I've just been living in Poland whole my life and traveled
1.How about country, it could be Poland (Eastern and Central Parts) or Croatia (islands)
2. You can find here calm and clear air.
3.You don't have to hurry up, don't see much big crowds, wake up surrounded by natural noises.

Given the fact that almost no country issues visa to digital freelancers who solely work remotely for foreign clients, the choice of places where digital nomads can legally stay is very limited. Typically, their home country is the best option, from a visa standpoint.
Unfortunately it is also a sad fact that many self-declared digital nomads do not care for such national rules and live and work in (often poor and not well governed) holiday destinations without proper permits or registration. Some even claim some moral superiority gives them the right to this. However, by doing so, they enjoy their host countrie's benefits without giving their fair contribution (in form of taxes and other dues, material or immaterial). Basically, they are criminals in the eyes of the host country's authorities (and despiccable freeloaders in mine).
Do you really want to write about and for such people?!?

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