Confusing descriptions in Polish property listings

Hi there,

We are looking at listings for cottages / houses to purchase in Poland and a number of them seem to have this text;

"I will sell ownership of land developed with a residential building, barn building, barn building for which the District Court in Kościan keeps Land and Mortgage Register No. PO1K / 5093 9/5 located in Bruszczewo, commune Śmigiel, Kościan district for a minimum price of PLN 80,000.00. As for the ownership interest of 7/9, sales are made by the trustee; in the remaining scope, shares in co-ownership are sold outside bankruptcy proceedings and the co-owners expressed their readiness to sell. The property has an area of ​​3,300 m2, no local plan. The property is located by the municipal road. OFFERS WITH A DEPOSIT PAYMENT (PLN 4,000) AND A DECLARATION ON THE APPROVAL OF THE SALES REGULATIONS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED BY MARCH 29, 2018. IN THE HEADQUARTERS OF SYNDYK, UL. GÓRNA WIL"

what exactly does this mean?

It seems like the real estate was offered in bankruptcy proceeding in march 2018.

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