If my Wife will find a job in Copenhagen easily

Hi Community members,

This is Kapil and i will be coming to live in Copenhagen soon with my wife and infant daughter. We are planning to come in month of Feb next year.
I am coming to Denmark as i got a job offer from employer by a danish company but my wife has to resign in India from her job and then she will come to stay with me. My wife is a banker by profession and she would also like to work in Denmark.
She is a bit confused if she will gonna get any job here in Copenhagen in same banking stream or she has to look job in any other sector. She wants to work and don't want to sit idle in home.. that's why she wants to look for opportunities.
Please suggest if its easy to find a job in her stream there or she needs to learn danish for this or if she can easily find job in any other stream.


First of all, without a few exceptions (special skills, special branches, such as it-people, engineers, ?) the language in Denmark is Danish. I would expect it to be uphill for your wife to find a job within her field.

In former times, we had several banks in a town, not now.  Online banking, machines, chat bots and robots have made many bankers redundant. The two biggest banks, Danske Bank and Nordea, are involved in whitewash scandals which are expected to be a costly affair for them. For the time being, Nordea is reducing its staff.

What else? Unless, we talk of cleaning and other odd jobs, I see no possibilities.


Could your company perhaps help with some kind of a job?


Nellie Berg wrote:

First of all, without a few exceptions (special skills, special branches, such as it-people, engineers, ?) the language in Denmark is Danish. I would expect it to be uphill for your wife to find a job within her field.

In former times, we had several banks in a town, not now.  Online banking, machines, chat bots and robots have made many bankers redundant. The two biggest banks, Danske Bank and Nordea, are involved in whitewash scandals which are expected to be a costly affair for them. For the time being, Nordea is reducing its staff.

What else? Unless, we talk of cleaning and other odd jobs, I see no possibilities.


Could your company perhaps help with some kind of a job?


Hi Nellie,

I see you live on Hillerød. I stayed and worked for several months at BIOGEN Alle to set up their new production lines.

Even if after a few weeks, despite being able to cope with several European languages (including German), I gave up hope of speaking Danish.

Is life still so relaxed? I had really enjoyed my stay. And who knows, maybe I'll go back someday.

Biogen has been sold and is now building a new plan in Switzerland.
https://hilleroed.lokalavisen.dk/nyhede … 84683.html

If you master the German language, Danish should be a piece of cake. Never give up!
