Dependable shipping company from USA to SR

I would like to order some supplements from a company in the US. Not off Amazon but from the company itself. Can anyone recommend a dependable shipper they have actually used or know one that friends have used. Thank you.

Hello, yes I have known one shipment company that my company used their service. Not sure if you find one yet?

Hello Jenet,

Please tell me what shipping company you use. Thank you.


Let me check for you. However, the requirement for this type of shipment is company license and products license. Have you checked with the ministry of health for the license yet? I have worked in this field quite long enough to understand the process. There are types of shipper who can do the clearance with full legibility  and some.

Thank you for your response, Jenet. I am just interested in having a bottle of fish oil sent to me. Just one bottle. I have heard DHL is dependable.

my pleasure. that's right. for the small shipment, you can go through DHL or Fedex. I thought you'd like to ship the large amount.