
I am really getting frustrated with Bpost, the attitude and service is appalling really it is! I live in Edegem, and am sick to death of driving to Hoboken post office to collect parcels they have not even tried to deliver. I am tired of having to track parcels because they do not leave cards informing me they tried to deliver, i have waited in on days they were supposed to deliver and nobody comes and haho on traking it then informs me i was not in and i can collect from Hoboken post office, this 8km away incidentally.


For the past ten years, the quality of BPOST services has become less and less good. The strategic mistakes of management are so incomprehensible that even their employees are disgusted. That's why more and more people are using private companies to send parcels ...

This phenomenon usually takes a lot more importance during the summer holidays. Because many employees are replaced by poorly trained students ...

Sadly i understand you, its the worst service i have encountered, i was again to Hoboken to collect a  parcel, where i stressed my displeasure and asked for the procedure to complain, now i am here in Antwerp learning Dutch so i can communicate here with respect to my hosts, i was given a number in Brussels which is automated in French only. Since then  I had been tracking a parcel which was out for delivery 3 consecutive days, when i say out i mean it stayed out was not returned to depot for all 3 days, for intentional purposes it was in the back of a van for 3 days, it was then delivered with 2 other parcels that had been in the depot for 2 days on one day, but not left at my registered safe place or my back up choice the Carrefour which is open late in the week they delivered to Edegem post office which is actually a relief from the trips to Hoboken. I have advice for people considering moving here with a business or transferring a business To Belgium...... DONT!

That you are dissatisfied with the postal service, there I completely agree with you. But then you advise people not to create something in Belgium, you exaggerate!

Because frankly there would also be a lot to say on your side of the border ...