Best cities for retirement in Panama

Hello everyone,

An increasing amount of people want to spend their retirement abroad. Would you consider giving a few tips to those looking into Panama for their retirement?

What are the most attractive cities for retirees in Panama?

Why are these the best cities in Panama for retirement (quality of life, cost of living, climate, health, security, etc.)?

Are there any specific areas in Panama where there are special retirement schemes or retirement-friendly residential areas?

Are there any activities suitable for retirees in Panama?

Do you have any tips on where to start looking or how to choose a suitable city for one's retirement in Panama?

If you have, yourself, chosen to spend your retirement abroad, please tell us what city you have chosen and why?

Please share your experience.


I have many stories to share about people coming to Panama.
Have been here for 11 years.
I have a blog and news site I run at:

Please feel to share your story there as well as I post Op ED pieces all the time.

Hi there, I'm more of a country, mountain guy myself, I have lived in panama for 8 years.  The mountain communities of El Valle de Anton, Santa Fe, Boquete and Volcan are great.  For you beach lovers, we have Coronado, Pedasí,  Las Lajas and of course Bocas del Toro on the Caribbean. And, for the city lovers the areas of El Cangrejo and Balboa Ave in Panama City are my favorites.




What do you think about Cerro Azul?, compared to El Valle de Anton.