Impact new domestic workers labour rights

Does anyone know what will be the impacts (relation employer/employee) in regards to

1- as an employer of a fulltime or partime employee do we have to register at RFC for all contributions (impuestos, IMSS, INFONAVIT, pension)
2- what would be the total % contribution of the Net pay of the employee
3- the actual labor law appliesin regards to vacations, aguinaldo, pregnancy
4- will IMSS pay directly the employee or refund the employer for the pregnancy sick leave

The list is probably incomplete but it's a start,

Adios y buen dia a todos, GyC. … s-law.html

mexicogc wrote:

Does anyone know what will be the impacts (relation employer/employee) in regards to

1- as an employer of a fulltime or partime employee do we have to register at RFC for all contributions (impuestos, IMSS, INFONAVIT, pension)
2- what would be the total % contribution of the Net pay of the employee
3- the actual labor law appliesin regards to vacations, aguinaldo, pregnancy
4- will IMSS pay directly the employee or refund the employer for the pregnancy sick leave

The list is probably incomplete but it's a start,

Adios y buen dia a todos, GyC. … s-law.html

Great Idea mexicogc,

but I have settled on the 'waiting to see what will happen' position. If you have listened to the new evolving positions of the new administration you may know what I mean. When the dust settles and we have fixed rules that can be addressed, we can look at that.

Your quite right "travellight", I will wait till the clear rules are available.

Thanks, GyC.