Moving to warsaw

I am from the USA thinking of moving to warsaw with my adult son. Our combined income is $1,500 (6,000 zloty) per month. Would we be able to live comfortably in a modern apartment?

Try for living costs Check out the housing section top of this page too.
Read through other threads here too for information.


While it may seem like a lot when converting from USD to Złoty, Warszawa is one of the most expensive cities in Poland in which to live so the amount for rent is going high. That being said from the amount of income listed you should be able to survive okay. If you are not an EU resident or legal Polish resident You will need to acquire a temporary resident card in order to stay in Poland legally which are hard to get and take a long time to get one. Good luck.


Thank you for your reply! How do i apply for a residency permit? I am currently waiting for my house to sell, and i can 't wait to get there! I hope i am making the right decision! My heart says yes!


Hi, I don't know your reasons why you wanted to move in Poland. However, I would like to tell you my experience when getting residence permit. It's a lot of work when you don't know the language. Some foreigners use translation services to be able to get through the process and there is a 6month waiting period before you get the decision. At that time,you are not allowed to go anywhere outside Poland. Initially,you only get a year temporary residence permit then you have to apply for another one. At this point you might be given 2 years. The same process and waiting period. As for living arrangements.You might consider looking outside the will be significantly lower and much better. The city is quite polluted anyway. Cost of living is not that expensive.that depends on how you spend your money. For 6000 zloty,I can live decently in the outskirts of Warsaw.

Best of luck,

Yes waiting time for the residence permit decision may be long... I was waiting more than 6 months which was frustrating. Finally I reached out to the Polish lawyer who got my case expedited super fast, I even got some financial compensation from the State of Poland for lengthy procedure

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