What could be net take home for a 61500dkk per month

I have got an offer 61500 dkk (without social security) per month. I am trying to find a tax calculator to figure out the net take home but not find any direct calculators. So can someone help me understand the net take home and also it is a good pay to survive a family of 4 in denmark....thank you.

The tax system in Denmark is complicated. Probably best to seek professional advice. Or ask your potential employer about it. The tax year ends 31st December. If you work only part of the year your tax is slightly lower.

Tax rates vary between 41% to 55.8%

Over 542,000 you pay 55.8% tax. The first 45,000 of income is tax free.

Thanks for your quick response... do i get net take home around 35k.

More or less. I am not in Denmark but found all the information online.

Have a look at previous posts,

The pay is in the very fine end of the pay scale.

You mention 61,500 kroner a month, but I am sure that you have been offered a pension scheme, too. If this is paid as part of the monthly pay, you'll be taxated of it together with the pay, and the saved sum will be free for taxation when you leave Denmark again. This is a special arrangement which expats can choose. Normally, the pension contributions aren't taxated, but the pension will be.

A little clarification on the tax system: All taxation is based on a yearly income, e.g. if you only work one month, your pay will be converted to a yearly income, and the tax will be calculated on this basis. This means that your monthly net income will be the same whether you work one or nine months of the year.

Based on a yearly income of 750,000 kroner, you're settled in Gladsaxe municipality, you're married and your wife doesn't work, the tax 2019 will amount to 290.344,80 kroner. http://www.tastselv.skat.dk/fskbrgn2/SkResultat.aspx


Thank you

Yes.. pention is not included with in the pay. It is additional to the monthly pay.
This year i will be receiving pay for only 5 weeks. That means 2018 tax will be  lesser than the next year...

Thanks again for the detailed post.

This year i will be receiving pay for only 5 weeks. That means 2018 tax will be  lesser than the next year...

Yes, and so will your pay. They go together.